Tuesday, December 15, 2020

CAN Is the Word of POWER

Book: CAN is the Word of POWER Author: Barendra Kumar ISBN: 9788178061153 Publisher: Unicorn Books Refreshing and invigorating, like a whiff of fresh air. While the influence of Western-based Management and Success Gurus is discernible in most books published on these subjects, " Can is the word of Power " published by Unicorn Books and distributed by Pustak Mahal, New Delhi, is clearly the product of the writer's unique experiences and beliefs. Barendra Kumar has, after years of painstaking research, and funds of emotional involvement on his part, presented a work, which will inspire the reader to get up and get going in the direction of his dreams and aspirations. The author systematically analyses the ingredients, which combine to create success in life and its many endeavors. The first step is to decide that we "CAN ". The rest, if followed faithfully, follows, leading to the fulfillment of the aspiration. We decide that we CAN become healthier, richer, more successful, make, discover, or invent something useful, create a work of art, have a happy family, achieve academic success, serve others, etc. Achievers throughout history, the writer notes, be they Mahatma Gandhi, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Dale Carnegie, Columbus, Edison, Fleming, the builders of the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal, or the scientists behind the Space Missions, had one aspect in common - they fervently believed in their ability to achieve their aims - they had absolute faith in the implications of the word - CAN. Once we decide that we CAN, we must decide -- HOW? The book shows the way. Without GOD, nothing is possible. Faith in the absolute power of the creator is a must in achieving our aims. Prayer follows this. "More things are wrought by prayer than this world can dream of, 'the writer quotes Tennyson. Prayer is the most powerful form of energy. We must believe that what we are doing is necessary and we need to accomplish it for the greater good. Nature than gets to work to ensure that we succeed However, if we have doubts, if we indulge in giving negative commands to our emotions, minds, bodies, or morale and we ensure our own defeat. The writer analyses the importance of the right attitudes, better education and training, right friends, good company, the value of character, discipline, competence, persistence, proper manners, optimism, discipline, harmonious relations with others, and the need to honour parents, teachers and counselors. Barendra Kumar stresses that conscious management of the mind, body, emotions, and habits cannot be overlooked if we wish to achieve our aims. The writer liberally quotes from renowned achievers. "We live in a marvelous age, Live in it! Too many of us just exist in it! "Martin Panzer, and the quote on teachers, "There is something finer far, something rarer than ability - The ability to recognize ability." The quotation from Fr. James Keller, seems to be the essence of the message of the excellent book- "It is better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness.” The book is a must for school and college libraries and for all those interested in doing more than merely living. Binay Srivastava

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