Author: Sunita Pant Bansal
Published by: Unicorn Books, an imprint of Pustak Mahal (
Over the past couple of decades there has been a growing concern about cholesterol. Doctors have been telling us that fat is a killer. Eat less cholesterol, saturated fat and salt; eat more fibre rich foods we are told. If we do not, we are doomed to the West's greatest killer - heart disease, if not that, then stroke. A high cholesterol level in the blood is also related to an increased incidence of gallstones.
The most common life-threatening disease, which seems to be in our control, is the Heart Disease; Cancer and AIDS being out of bounds. There are many diseases that affect the heart, but the one that the 'healthy eating' strategies seek to prevent is Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) or Ischaemic Heart Disease (IHD). CHD is a condition where the coronary arteries that supply blood to nourish the heart muscle are narrowed by a build-up of material on their walls (an atheroma) to such an extent that they become blocked. This cuts off the blood supply to part of the heart muscle, and we have a heart attack.
The narrowing also encourages the clotting of blood and, in consequence, it is possible for a clot to cause a heart attack long before the atheroma is large enough to do so. The clot may travel and if it reaches the brain and causes a blockage, it causes a stroke. The material generally found in the build-up is cholesterol and the 'healthy eating' advice given to people to reduce the incidence of CHD and stroke is aimed simply at reducing the levels of cholesterol in the blood.
High cholesterol in itself is not a disease, but a side-effect of an unhealthy lifestyle. The incidence of cholesterol related problems are on the increase, and diet alone can not be blamed for it; lack of exercise, choice of beverages, cigarette smoking, undisciplined work and social life also play a significant role in the cholesterol production in our body. The way to balance the cholesterol in the body, is to live like our fore-fathers for
they walked a lot, were close to nature, ate the seasonal fruits and vegetables and lived a disciplined life.
We must understand that all the diseases one way or the other are related to nature, which is logical as we are part of and are affected by our environment. Any imbalance in nature and our immediate environment affects us. Certain effects are obvious, like dropping of body resistance during change of climate and thereby catching infections like influenza.
But then there are other subtler environmental changes like a change in the job, or family environment (marriage, childbirth, death), which also affect our bodies (internally) and since any action results in a reaction, so our body also reacts.
So without our knowledge, over years of absorption from our surroundings, we accumulate a lot of emotional and physiological toxins, which ultimately manifest as disease.
Production of cholesterol (among other things) is also one of our body's reactions towards stress. By simply reducing its intake through the diet and taking medicines to remove it, is again treating the problem symptomatically. This is not a permanent solution. The solution would be to understand the genesis of the problem, so that when you treat it, it does not recur.
The author has explained her detox programme under following heads:
Our Food
Fats in the Food
What is Cholesterol
Factors Affecting Cholesterol Levels
Cholesterol Related Disorders
Cholesterol-lowering Prescription
Common Misconceptions About Cholesterol
Natural Cholesterol Busters
Cholesterol Busting Foods
15-day Detox Plan
Shopping for Food
The author has devised a fifteen- day detox programme, which if followed regularly, yields positive results in six to eight weeks. It involves a regular intake of cholesterol-busting foods coupled with a healthy disciplined lifestyle regime. This simple programme breaks down the existing cholesterol deposits in the body, lowers the blood cholesterol levels and controls the further production of cholesterol by the body, bringing about a drastic upliftment in the physical and mental well-being of the person who makes a habit of it.
Cholesterol, CHD, HDL, LDL,IHD, Unhealthy lifestyle, 15-day detox programme, Sunita Pant Bansal, Heart diseases, Cholesterol busters
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Showing posts with label CHD. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
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