Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Taming The Little Devils Within (A book dedicated to mental health and welfare)
The book 'Taming The Little Devils Within' is a practical book to help you (a reader) discover / measure / find out if you have any psychological issues, and if you have, then to what degree. This level of degree determines the course of treatment or counseling by experts. Even a headache could lead to psychological problems if not treated properly in time.
Although we are the masters of our mental health, yet we sometimes unknowingly, create conditions, which make us mentally unhealthy. To elaborate this issue Dr..Amit Abraham shares a case, which he had handled a few years back and explains through this perfect example how even a mentally healthy individual can invite, create and aggravate conditions, which adversely affect his psychological wellbeing. This case study is intended to help readers of the book 'Taming The Little Devils Within' to relate, identify and understand life-threatening conditions better and the necessity of timely psychological counseling or psychiatric treatment for leading a mentally healthy life.
The author says that aided by the developments in medical science and technology people world over have been able to conquer many of the physical ills, which had afflicted them for the past many centuries. Over these years humankind has made progress, but not without paying a price for all these accomplishments.
Today the majority is no longer a victim of famines and epidemics. The black plague though has been overpowered and eradicated but it seems to have been replaced now with a host of psychological plagues. These look subtle but are extremely lethal, spreading within like cancer, taking their toll slowly but surely. There is the worry, loneliness, disillusionment, and doubts. We are too engrossed chasing our dreams, blindly running through mazes and dark blind alleys or have lost our way in there. The lucky ones who have managed to find their way through seem not too contended with what they have ultimately achieved. This is what the mirage of modern existence is. In the end, all are equally besieged with the pangs of anxiety. No wonder this age is aptly called the Age of Anxiety.
Normalcy today has nearly become a myth. Mostly all of us are beset with seemingly endless personal and social problems. There have been wars, social unrest, economic recession, unemployment, personal grief, and many such psychosocial and economic problems, which have disrupted our life directly or indirectly affecting our mental wellbeing.
Darwin's law of survival of the fittest has moved from the jungle into the civilized population. There is constant pressure to succeed on the young child, escalating with each target he achieves. The steps on the ladder are infinite and no end for the human desires to satiate. The fulfilled desires soon become meaningless and newer unfulfilled ones constantly aggravate man's anxieties.
Look around you and you will find on every side anxious, unhappy, bewildered people who are missing the fulfillment of their best potential because they cannot achieve a satisfactory adjustment to problems that seem just too great. Smooth, effective functioning has been eclipsed by symptoms of personality maladjustment. In many cases, the stress of modern life takes its toll leading to psychiatric causality without the person actually becoming aware of.
In fact, after going through the book 'Taming The Little Devils Within', the reader would realize that a sharp dividing line between normal and abnormal behavior simply does not exist.
The statistics show that mental illness incapacitates more people than all other health problems combined. It may be a bitter fact but all of us, to some extent, show some of the other characteristics that deviate us from the normalcy mark. The abnormal behavior of ours may though be just a matter of degrees but the question does arise on "How normal are we"? The layman may not agree with what is being claimed here but the abnormal behavior is not only the extreme, bizarre, and sensational things that we see in mental hospitals and clinics. It also includes anxiety, depression, phobias, and moods, sleep disturbances, obsessive or compulsive behavior and many others. We all suffer from one or the other psychological problems during our lifespan yet claiming ourselves to be normal and mentally healthy individuals. It is lack of awareness, which makes things miserable for us. It is time that we wake up to this bitter reality and put in our conscious efforts for living a better mentally healthy and adjusted life.
The author has explained in vivid detail the dimensions of mental health, the origins of little devils, causes of abnormal behaviour, the devils of stress, mental fatigue, panic, anxiety, depression, phobias, sleep disorder, suspiciousness, irritability, forgetfulness, fearful dreams, mania, obsession, imaginary ailments, personality disorder and how to disarm and correct devils to become/remain mentally healthy.
While going through the book you need not be besieged by fears feeling that you are a deviant from the normal. Many people occasionally feel anxious, discouraged, and inadequate for days and months together. Their behavior is irrational, irritable and restless. They feel unduly fatigued, experience loss of appetite and have sleep disturbances. This, however, does not always indicate that they are neurotic. These symptoms can be the result of psychological stresses, which impinge upon such individuals due to various reasons. Almost everyone experiences feelings of insecurity and anxiety resulting from various life situations so your exhibited symptoms just make you a part of the larger world of normally deviant individuals.
Though most of us are minor deviants from normalcy, some may have crossed over the danger mark. This requires psychiatric and psychological intervention for diagnosis and treatment. It should not be treated lightly since delay will only cause harm.
While going through this book and doing evaluations/measurements if you feel that you are one of them then remember that mental illness is not a disgrace.
One final strong suggestion. Do not be reluctant to get professional help at the earliest. Your positive acceptance of problem/s will enable you to seek timely professional counseling so as to recover while the disorder is in the early stages. This action will prevent the elevation of difficulties.
Your treatment is for the betterment of your own wellbeing and that of your family.
About the book and author
Taming The Little Devils Within
Author: Dr. Amit Abraham
ISBN: 9788178062082
Publisher: Unicorn Books
Binay Srivastava
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Impressive Answers to Job Interview Questions
Impressive Answers to Job Interview Questions
Published on Apr 13, 2018
Who needs this book? It is for all entry-level job seekers and experienced candidates. You get to know the most frequently asked interview questions and ways to answer them. It gives you valuable insights for success in all types of interviews. This book gives timely ideas on Interview Questions and Answers. While helping you to prepare for an interview, it provides information about what the selection board expects from you. Explained with tips and strategies of interview preparations, the book also addresses the fear and nervousness and how to overcome them, how to turn them into a positive note and come out a winner. The book shows the way to answer questions like: A. Tell me about yourself B. What's your greatest weakness? C. What salary are you looking for? D. Why do you want to join this company? E. Why should we hire you? F. Why do you have a gap in your employment history? G. Describe a time when your work was criticized and how you handled it H. What's your greatest strength?
Product description
About the Author
This book by Binay Srivastava is the outcome of the insights acquired while interviewing candidates for product, service and tertiary sectors. He admits interviewing key figures across the industries was tough; doing so at entry levels was even more challenging. He has also interviewed top brasses in industries and services sectors on market research projects, as well as famous personalities for newspaper articles. With a background in engineering, the author is a career counsellor, writer and trainer. “I wish to give job-seekers – both fresh and experienced, the same thrill of success before and after the interview.”
Product details
Publisher : Better Books (13 April 2018)
Language: : English
File size : 380 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 84 pages
Available from
CAN Is the Word of POWER
Book: CAN is the Word of POWER
Author: Barendra Kumar
ISBN: 9788178061153
Publisher: Unicorn Books
Refreshing and invigorating, like a whiff of fresh air.
While the influence of Western-based Management and Success Gurus is discernible in most books published on these subjects, " Can is the word of Power " published by Unicorn Books and distributed by Pustak Mahal, New Delhi, is clearly the product of the writer's unique experiences and beliefs.
Barendra Kumar has, after years of painstaking research, and funds of emotional involvement on his part, presented a work, which will inspire the reader to get up and get going in the direction of his dreams and aspirations.
The author systematically analyses the ingredients, which combine to create success in life and its many endeavors.
The first step is to decide that we "CAN ". The rest, if followed faithfully, follows, leading to the fulfillment of the aspiration. We decide that we CAN become healthier, richer, more successful, make, discover, or invent something useful, create a work of art, have a happy family, achieve academic success, serve others, etc.
Achievers throughout history, the writer notes, be they Mahatma Gandhi, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Dale Carnegie, Columbus, Edison, Fleming, the builders of the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal, or the scientists behind the Space Missions, had one aspect in common - they fervently believed in their ability to achieve their aims - they had absolute faith in the implications of the word - CAN.
Once we decide that we CAN, we must decide -- HOW?
The book shows the way.
Without GOD, nothing is possible. Faith in the absolute power of the creator is a must in achieving our aims.
Prayer follows this. "More things are wrought by prayer than this world can dream of, 'the writer quotes Tennyson. Prayer is the most powerful form of energy.
We must believe that what we are doing is necessary and we need to accomplish it for the greater good.
Nature than gets to work to ensure that we succeed
However, if we have doubts, if we indulge in giving negative commands to our emotions, minds, bodies, or morale and we ensure our own defeat.
The writer analyses the importance of the right attitudes, better education and training, right friends, good company, the value of character, discipline, competence, persistence, proper manners, optimism, discipline, harmonious relations with others, and the need to honour parents, teachers and counselors.
Barendra Kumar stresses that conscious management of the mind, body, emotions, and habits cannot be overlooked if we wish to achieve our aims.
The writer liberally quotes from renowned achievers. "We live in a marvelous age, Live in it! Too many of us just exist in it! "Martin Panzer, and the quote on teachers, "There is something finer far, something rarer than ability - The ability to recognize ability." The quotation from Fr. James Keller, seems to be the essence of the message of the excellent book-
"It is better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness.”
The book is a must for school and college libraries and for all those interested in doing more than merely living.
Binay Srivastava
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Brain Gym - Puzzles to keep your brain sharp
Brain Gym
Author: Gajendra Kumar
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9788178061566
Page: 143
Price: Rs.72
Publisher: Unicorn Books
For all those taking competitive examinations, such as,
CAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA, banking services, defence services
exam and others interested
in solving puzzles, this book with 122 mind games
comes out with new concepts.
The word ‘GYM’, in general, is synonymous with the
health and fitness of body. But, here, the author has used
this word for the fitness of mind, which can be
achieved by flexing and exercising the brain muscle.
And one way to do that is to crack the puzzles.
Gajendra Kumar has introduced new puzzles
and expects the readers to take the challenge of
solving them with the use of their own mind,
knowledge and commonsense.
The concepts of algebra, geometry, numerology and
physics apart from the application of basic general
knowledge and commonsense are the building-block of
the book.
The puzzles given in this book will test the
conceptual and general knowledge of
the puzzle solver and by solving each puzzle;
one can adjudge one’s knowledge, intellect and
brain power. So get ready to boost-up lateral thinking
capability, which is very important in solving our
problems of everyday life.
Brain Gym will sweat out the brain, ensuring that it
doesn’t begin to age prematurely, sluggish thinking
and hurdles in problem-solving.
Author: Gajendra Kumar
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9788178061566
Page: 143
Price: Rs.72
Publisher: Unicorn Books
For all those taking competitive examinations, such as,
CAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA, banking services, defence services
exam and others interested
in solving puzzles, this book with 122 mind games
comes out with new concepts.
The word ‘GYM’, in general, is synonymous with the
health and fitness of body. But, here, the author has used
this word for the fitness of mind, which can be
achieved by flexing and exercising the brain muscle.
And one way to do that is to crack the puzzles.
Gajendra Kumar has introduced new puzzles
and expects the readers to take the challenge of
solving them with the use of their own mind,
knowledge and commonsense.
The concepts of algebra, geometry, numerology and
physics apart from the application of basic general
knowledge and commonsense are the building-block of
the book.
The puzzles given in this book will test the
conceptual and general knowledge of
the puzzle solver and by solving each puzzle;
one can adjudge one’s knowledge, intellect and
brain power. So get ready to boost-up lateral thinking
capability, which is very important in solving our
problems of everyday life.
Brain Gym will sweat out the brain, ensuring that it
doesn’t begin to age prematurely, sluggish thinking
and hurdles in problem-solving.
brain exercises,
brain gym,
gajendra kumar,
Monday, December 22, 2008
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